Activity 9- Listening Activities


-        Giving Receiving directions

-        Materials: a map showing different places, an audio file

-        Aim: the student’s will place themselves in the map and learn how to indicate and follow directions.

-        Procedure:

1)      Explain the new vocabulary to the students (opposite, next to, on the right, on the left, between, go along, etc.) Listen to track 1.

2)      Show them the map and mark the start point.

3)      Ask them different questions about the map.  i.e. Where is the shop? Where is the park?

4)      Tell them they are going to listen to a recording and they have to follow the directions to get to the places that are being mentioned in the recording. (Example: The restaurant is on X street next to the cinema, in front of the theater). Listen to tracks 2 & 3.

5)      When the recording is finished, do 2 or 3 more tries guiding them yourself through the map to reinforce the content. Then, ask them to guide you.


Warm-up activity: Introduce the vocabulary that you will be using during the lesson. Words: jacket, trousers, t-shirt, skirt, shoes, socks. In order to work the vocabulary, bring flashcards to class.

After that, play a mime game to review clothes. To begin with, mime taking off a piece of clothes for students to guess. Then, encourage them to participate in class, so pupils can come to the front and mime for the class.

Activity: First of all, tell the name of the characters of the story. Afterwards, students listen to the story. Then, make questions to see whether students have understood the story or not.

Follow-up activity: Put the clothes in a bag. Pupils come one by one, touch an item and guess the clothing. They take it out to check if they have guessed it. 
