Thursday 19 May 2011


Welcome to English 4 Kids Spain! We are Maya and Cristina; and this blog is designed to share the activities we have created in our Autoaprenentatge de l’Anglès com a Segona Llengua i les seves Aplicacions Tecnològiques (English self-learning as a Second Language and its Technological Applications) course, 2010-11.

The blog is divided in several sections. Here, in the Home Page, you will find the presentation of the blog, our personal information and several useful and funny gadgets. On the side bar, you can find Rag, our welcoming avatar, “this day in history” a little window with information about important past events, useful link such as wikictionary and online translator, the archive of the blog, our pet Crumb which you can feed and play with and finally, you will find a fun interactive game related to healthy food.

The other sections are divided from one to ten. You will find the different activities produced throughout the course, such as commentaries on education-related texts and examples of tasks on different aspects of the English Language.  

We hope this is useful and easy to manage for our followers!

Thanks for visiting our blog J

Maya & Cristina

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