Activity 4- Changing Education Paradigms

I think this is (literally) a very illustrative video smile .... I agree with many parts of it. For example, the emphasis that Western cultures put on the "logical" kind of knowledge: the capacity to solve problems and to express things clearly is the idea we have of intelligence; but that's no necessarily true. In Eastern cultures, when defining "intelligence" they give as much (or more) value to capacities such as social interaction, self knowledge, artistic habilities, and even sense of humour. The result is that a Eastern country (China) is becoming the world's superpower while the Western world is wondering what happened. So, I agree that the Western educational system is not focusing on the right aspects, but when he questions the education by age groups, he doesn't propose any alternatives...I think it is a very revolutionary idea, but quite unpractical in real terms.
On the whole, it gives a good overall idea of why things are going in the wrong direction.


As we can see in the video, people are trying to educate the children in the same way as they used to do in the past. In the past, if you did hard work and you did well, you went to college, it was guaranteed you would get a job. Nowadays, kids do not believe that going to school will ensure a job when they finish their degree. The current system education was designed by a different age: it was conceived in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment. Therefore, the education system should be changed.
The intellectual model of the mind (deducting reasoning and knowledge of the classics) has classified two kinds of people: academic and non-academic people. The consequence of that is that many smart people think that they are not because of this view of the mind. This model has basically caused chaos. Some people have benefited from it.
A lot of children get distracted by computers, iphones, a hundred of television channels and they are no longer interested in learning. They are said to have the ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder); therefore, they are given drugs so they can concentrate and to calm them down. This is a fictitious epidemic.
Schools are also organized on factory lines: ringing bells, separate facilities, specialized into separate subjects. In other words, children are educated by batches. We organize them by age group. They should not be grouped according to their age, but rather according to their necessities. Some children prefer to study on their own, other in large groups, and others in small groups.  It is said that learning takes place when children do teamwork. As a teacher, I totally agree. I never make my students do their work individually, but in small groups. If someone does not know something, the other kid will clarify it. Then, learning takes place.
My best friend in High School was super intelligent, but she was unmotivated. She was very good in writing, specifically poetry. Some of her poems were even published in a book. She left her studies and she ended up working in a restaurant. I think that something should be done, and it should be done soon. The education system needs to be reorganized according to the necessities of the children of the 21st century.
