Activity 1- Autonomous Learning

Virtual learning allows students a very pratical felxibility of schedule, but on the other hand, the students must be aware that autonomous learning requires a LOT of dedication and self-discipline. Normally, there's a lot of material for the student to read, and that requires an organized and motivated person with a work plan. So it has its pros and its cons, students should ask themeselves whether they are disciplined enough before begginging autonomous learning plan.


As we can see in Module 1, the learning is teacher-centered. The autonomous learning approach described is more theoretical than practical, but it will be useful when the practice has to be applied. What is good about this learning style is that the student gets feedback. However, a student-centered approach would not allow the student to get correction. Apart from that, he has to work all by himself; therefore, he has all the responsibility. Nevertheless, I think that theory and practice should be combined for a good learning to take place. 


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