Activity 3- Language Learning Strategies

Anticipation Activity

Level: kids 7-9

Reading/speaking activity

Objectives: to stimulate kid’s curiosity through sounds.

Learning strategy: Analyze sounds and predict a sequence of events. Produce vocabulary related to the topic.

It can be used as a warming, before a reading activity. In order to get kids to get interested on a certain topic. i.e. if speaking about nature, introduce nature sounds; if speaking about people, use different voices or situations.

The students try to predict the topic of the text. Based on the different sounds, they put them together to create a story. Then read the actual story. Compare both and decide which they like most.


-Tell kids to pay attention, because they are about to hear a series of sounds

-Play the recording once

- Ask them to guess the main (very general) topic

- Play the recording again (stop after every different sound)

- Analyze each sound by separate. Ask them questions about them.

- Play the whole recording one more time.

- Tell students to try and put the sounds together to form a short sequence: Brainstorm. The teacher writes the different options on the board. They choose the ones they like most to form the story. Tell students to write down their version of the story.

- Read the actual text

- Compare the two stories. Students vote for the one they liked most.

- As a follow up, they can illustrate the version they liked better.

Cristina & Maya